EP Lab RN, 13 Week assignment
Soliant has recently partnered with a hospital in Pennsylvania to hire one experienced EP Lab RN .We need a qualified RNwho can begin working within the next 2-3 weeks. The term for this full-time contract is 13 weeks long. For those who wish to apply, previous experience and a active license is required.
Job Details
- Location: Philadelphia, PA
- Job Type: Contract
- Term: 13 Weeks
- Start Date: January, 2019
- Work hours: 5X8's
- Hours per week: 36-40
- Circulate
Skills & Experience:2+ Years of recentexperience is required
- Strong experience performing procedures including arrythmia diagnosis, arrythmia ablations, implatation of single, dual and Bi-V PPM and ICDs
- Experience with Conscious sedation for procedures, performing tilt table tests, provide patient care, ability to document.
Education & Certification
- Nursing State License
Available Benefits:Stipends & relocation funds are available to qualifying travelers. Call for more information.
- Stipends
- Relocation funds
- Insurance plans
- 401K
Speak with an Electrophysiology Lab travel job specialist and allow me to help you find what you need, where you need, and when you need. I love what I do. Visit me at http://mrcathlab.com/ or call me directly 770-225-3167. Looking forward to it!
Steve Yang
Senior Account Executive Mr. Cath Lab
Cath Lab & Electrophysiology Specialist
Call Office: 770-225-3167